Pupil Premium

Pupil Premium Planned Spending 2018 - 2019 

Pupil Premium 3 Year Plan 2019 - 2023

Barriers to learning for Pupil Premium children at Orrell Holgate Academy

At Holgate most cohorts enter the school broadly in line with national expectations however within each cohort/class there is a huge range of experiences, skills, language acquisition, and confidences in all aspects of the curriculum. Sometimes children have barriers to learning which can put them at a disadvantage compared to others.  As a school we want to remove barriers for all children. Where children are classed as disadvantaged and in receipt of the Pupil Premium fund we address these barriers using the PP fund. 

The last available data for the school is -



Pupils eligible for PP (your school)


School Average


% achieving in reading, writing and maths at the end of KS2








KS2 progress score in reading






KS2 progress score in writing





KS2 progress score in maths






Examples of barriers that some children may face/currently face at Holgate

Quality of Teaching and Personalised Learning:
-Low attainment on entry in English and maths
-Poor communication and language skills, some children have lost skills during lockdown
-Attainment/development below that of national peers and peers at school 

Social and Emotional Support
-A higher proportion on PP pupils require social and emotional support than non PP.

-Due to the first lockdown we have a higher proportion of pupils who are experiencing 'outbursts' particularly in the younger end of school and children who have lost confidence.

Life and Organisation Support
- The vast majority of our PP pupils have greater struggles to complete homework and or remote learning, read
outside of school, have access to quality texts, have their own resources for remote learning, and bring P.E kits/swimming kits into school.
Parent Partnership
-Some parents are unconfident/feel unable to attend medical meetings or meetings with
-Sometimes support for home learning (including remote learning) is lower due to lack of devices and confidence.
Attendance and Punctuality
-Punctuality and Attendance is an issue for a few but not all PP pupils. (PP pupils are now less
likely to be a persistent absentee than non PP and we know this is because we use some of our PP grant to ensure that everyone is in school.)

When deciding upon how to spend of the PPG, we consider recommendations made by the Educational Endowment Federation research and their  positive impact upon progress. 

Our first priority is Quality First Teaching. We want our school to be a rich learning environment
where interventions are not necessary for PP children because teaching is of a high enough quality
to ensure pupils make good progress.

John Dunford (PP Champion) states that:
There is solid evidence that poor teaching disproportionately disadvantages poor children. Equally,
evidence tells us that excellent teaching disproportionately benefits them, So high quality teaching
must be at the core of Pupil Premium work. It follows that it is legitimate to spend PP funding on the
quality of teaching.

We also know that the periods of self isolation when classes are sent home or time spent away from school because of lockdown/s do not have the same effect on all children. Some children with existing barriers are disproportionately disadvantaged.