Design and Technology

Design and Technology For Life at Holgate Academy


Our Design and Technology curriculum aims to encourage pupils to develop technical knowledge and a high level of skills in designing, making and evaluating, through a variety of creative and practical experiences. We intend for children to learn about the designed and made world and how things work and learn to design and make functional products for particular purposes and users.

We aim to motivate and inspire children through a curriculum that engages and challenges all learners, by encouraging them to become resourceful, innovative, resourceful and capable citizens, who are prepared to take risks. The skills learned in Design and Technology will connect with learning across the curriculum: knowledge about the properties of materials in Science, the practice of measuring accurately in Maths, designing using software in Computing and skills developed in Art.

Children will acquire and apply knowledge and understanding of materials and components, mechanisms and structures, existing products, quality and health and safety. Our curriculum is designed to deepen knowledge and develop transferable skills.



In Design and Technology, we implement an inclusive curriculum that meets the statutory requirements of the National Curriculum.

A series of stimulating, progressive lessons are planned with clear knowledge and skills-based learning objectives and subject-specific vocabulary.

There are three core activities in every Design and Technology project:

  • Investigate and evaluate existing products. Children are encouraged to be inquisitive about the way products work. Opportunities are given to ask and answer questions, through investigating and analysing a range of existing products. This supports them to create their own design criteria.
  • Focused tasks in which children develop particular aspects of knowledge and skills such as levers or joining techniques. They then practise, experiment and build on new and prior technical knowledge and skills to create a prototype.
  • Designing and making activities in which children design and make a product for a user and a purpose. Children develop their ideas through discussion, annotated sketches and diagrams, before creating their final piece. We encourage children to evaluate and refine their designs, regularly. Ownership is given to the children, through their choice of materials, components, tools and equipment, to fulfil the product’s design criteria. In addition, children are taught where food comes from, the importance of a healthy and varied diet and how to prepare a nutritional dish.

Teachers assess learning in Design and Technology against knowledge and skills-based learning objectives within unit overviews. Our curriculum is delivered through highly effective ‘quality first teaching’. When possible, enrichment opportunities, including Nomad Ranger Forest school activities, provide our children with rich experiences and enhance teaching, learning and knowledge.

Our Design and Technology curriculum promotes an awareness of the significance of Design and Technology in the children’s own lives. They will also develop an awareness of the work influential designers and makes links to the world of work.



Our well-planned Design and Technology curriculum ensures that children are knowledgeable and highly-skilled designers for life, who understand how to design and make high quality products that solve real-life and relevant problems. The children develop collaborative working and problem solving skills and deepen their knowledge of design, materials, structures, mechanisms and control. Children develop the skills of creativity and innovation and are actively encouraged to consider issues such as sustainability and enterprise.